Decoding Your Human Design and Career Potential

Learn more about your unique energy and get a fresh perspective on your identity, role, strengths and direction.

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Massive Sales!

Sales are up to 38% discount! Session recordings and supportive documents will be provided. Customized written analysis is not included.

BG5 Full Career Analysis - three (3) sessions
Sale Price:$217.00 Original Price:$350.00
BG5 Career Overview Plus
Sale Price:$130.00 Original Price:$200.00
Foundation Reading - Human Design Analysis
Sale Price:$105.00 Original Price:$150.00

Customized Written Analysis

Grab a written analysis in a PDF booklet when you order any readings. The Customized Written Analysis is embedded with pictures and charts to enhance your reading experience.

Customized Written Analysis
Sale Price:$50.00 Original Price:$55.00

“I’m new! Which Reading session is best for me?”


Begin with the Human Design Foundation Chart Reading. The reading helps you understand your life-force energy, the influences that shaped you, your nine functions and more.

If you plan to expand your career, try the BG5 Career Overview Plus. You can also choose Human Design and BG5 together. Contact us for the package program and price.

BG5 Career or
Human Design?

Human Design and BG5 Career-Business share the same foundation and principle, founded by Ra Uru Hu. Human Design focuses on your holistic self, while BG5 explore skills for your career and business. Both offer valuable tools for enhancing your life, spiritual and material well-being. A package program is available if you want to explore both areas.

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Our Services

Human Design Services:
for personal and holistic development

    • Foundation Reading

    • Cycles Analysis

    • Yearly Forecast (Solar Return)

    • Incarnation Cross (Your Purpose and Role)

    • Child Development Coaching

    • Children Chart Analysis

    • Parent-Child Relationship Analysis

      You can buy a single analysis or all three together with a package discount.

  • Analysis of two charts and a combined one for couples, business partners, friends, or family.

    • Living Your Design Program (IHDS 1st Foundation)

    • General Classes (Coming soon)

  • Integration coaching covers a Foundation reading and in-depth analysis of your design, understand your nodal environment and planets influences, your shadow conditioning and more.


BG5 Career and Business Services:
for career and business development

    • 30-Minute Career Map Review

    • Career Overview

    • Career Overview Plus

    • Full Career Analysis

    • Alpha One Leadership:
      Career analysis for leaders.

    • Penta Analysis: Team engineering and evaluations for established businesses or startups.

    • Triggering Analysis: Solutions for team dynamics issues in established businesses.

      You can purchase a single analysis or all together with a package discount.

  • Work Culture By Design.
    Nurture a healthy working environment and expand your team potentials with BG5 and Human Design Workshop for employees.

  • The Leadership Coaching provides insight into your career design, environment and leadership role.

    You will receive a full career analysis, communication strategies and more.

    • BG5 Success Code Map

    • BG5 Full Career Report

Wanna Learn Human Design?

Foundation Course:
Start with the Living Your Design Program (LYD), led by Rose Osman, an IHDS Certified LYD Guide since 2018. Available in group classes and individual coaching.

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About Rose

2/4 Splenic Projector, a natural influencer,
born under the Right Angle Cross of Service, Gate 58.2 - The Perversion.

Currently work as:
- Human Design Analyst and Children Development Analyst
- Living Your Design Guide
- BG5 Career and Business Consultant
- Class Assistant at BG5 Business Institute

11 years experience in Human Design including six years of teaching and guiding the LYD Awakening program. Currently spending her time observing the mutation and transition in the Maia. She also contribute her creativity as an independent contractor for other Human Design businesses.
— Favorite words: I'm hungry!

What is human design?

Human Design is a holistic science that analyzes and maps your genetic codes. It offers an insight into your energetic and genetic signatures that form your conscious personality, and unconscious body. It provides practical tools to connect with your higher intelligence, improving decision-making, and potentially reducing resistance and suffering.

With the self-guiding tools, you can experiment with your unique Strategy and Inner Authority that has the potential to unfold a peaceful, satisfying, successful, and delightful life.

How Human Design Analysis Works?

All we need is your birth information including time and place of birth to generate a Human Design chart called Rave Bodygraph. Every Bodygraph map is unique. Human Design Analysts are trained to synthesize the information from many layers and translate your genetic map in a way you understand.

Time of birth accuracy is important to establish a correct mapping of your genetic code

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She shared a wealth of information and in such a structured and easy-to-grasp way that I never felt overwhelmed (though I am sure I will go back to the recording :))
— Claudia Emili, Switzerland
Rose has this amazing, unique way of teaching. Her fun and quirky ways of teaching made learning something so in depth easy to learn.
— IshKiia Paige, United States
I can honestly say it’s made such a difference to my life knowing how I show up in the world and why I do things the way I do and the same goes for my close family and friends. I’m looking forward to continue my learning journey with Rose later on this year. Thank you Rose for your wonderful application of your extensive knowledge, your kindness and your brilliant sense of humour. Namaste.
— Sharon Westwood, UK
Hi Rose! I wanted to thank you. Your encouragement and words are helping me greatly. Most of my life I have not lived in routine, well I thought I didn’t need routine. After you pointing out that this is my design and for the last few weeks I have been living in a routine and LOVING IT! It’s making such a difference to my sense of satisfaction and I also feel energy levels too.
— Megan Sprout, Australia
I highly recommend getting a BG5 analysis with Rose; she is knowledgeable, professional, present, and fun to work with. This session is invaluable for solopreneurs, team leaders, and anyone willing to invest in themselves personally and professionally.
— Doa'a Akram Abu Gharbieh, Jordan
It feels wonderful to find out why I feel certain things and think in certain ways. It’s so nice to know that i’m not broken when I’m not like others- it’s all in my design- and it is a strength.

You are incredible at what you do- thanks for the great session!
— Bianca, Australia